Titles that Hook

Titles that Hook

can't judge a book by its coverFor most stories or pieces written, the subject is included in the title, but for anthologies, each story within the book is about the same subject; from many different perspectives. So how can someone create an incredible title that grabs the reader’s attention?

  • Consider using a sentence from your piece as the title. When writing from the heart, there are times when a single sentence or phrase brings tears. Would that statement catch the attention of another person? If so, use that.
  • Twisting clichés to prove they don’t apply to your story is a great way to captivate a reader and excite them. Some common clichés include; at the end of my rope, let’s blow this joint, and a new lease on life. Each of the examples provided is applicable in some way to health, chronic conditions, and the manner in which we live.
  • Answer the question; “What is this story about?” Does your story highlight perseverance, forgiveness, personal growth, etc? Reflect the story’s theme in the title.

As always, the editors at Our Stories of Strength will be happy to suggest a title that highlights your personal story of strength.